If you want to support further development of the “Blind-Droid Apps” project
or simply would like to thank developers for existing applications,
just install one or more of the following applications:
— “Blind-Droid Wood Donation” ($ 2);
Google Play
— “Blind-Droid Bronze Donation” ($ 5);
Google Play
— “Blind-Droid Silver Donation” ($ 10);
Google Play
— “Blind-Droid Gold Donation” ($ 15).
Google Play
Also you have an unique opportunity to immortalize your name by adding it into a separate VIP-sponsors list!
To do so simply install the “Blind-Droid VIP Donation” ($ 50) application.
Google Play
Privacy Policy
We don’t store or transfer any account detailes!
We need this information only to identify user as a VIP sponsor of «Blind-Droid Apps» project.